The Secrets of Hidden Eggs

The Depth of the Hidden Egg It is secretly hiding in foods, drinks, preservatives, and where you least suspect.  So far I have found eggs hiding in wine and in chocolates and as a preservative powder on fresh vegetables from the store.  Eggs are even hidden in other...
How to use an Epi-Pen and Warnings

How to use an Epi-Pen and Warnings

Administering an Epi-pen injection and warnings If a person is having an anaphylaxis shock reaction and can’t administer the injection, it is important for all your family and friends to know how to administer it for you in case you can’t.  Make sure they know...

Back to School with Egg Allergies

Egg Allergy School Preparations and Ideas Keeping your child safe at school requires teamwork between you, the principal, the teacher, the nursing staff and anyone else that will be handling their food or medication. Important appointments Schedule an appointment to...

Un-fined/Natural Wine vs Egg Allergy and Fining Agents

Un-fined/Natural Wine vs Egg Allergy and Fining Agents Vegan-friendly and natural wines taste true to the grape, not hindered by fining agents or preservatives. Unfined means little or no fining agents are used to clarify the wine.  Natural wine’s shelf-life is...

What is Anaphylaxis vs Biphasic Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis, Is it Life Threatening pronounced (an-uh-fil-lax-is) Life – Threatening?  Absolutely!  It is an acute allergic reaction.  Requires medical diagnosis.  Symptoms can affect the whole body or several areas at the same time.  It is essential to look for the...

Doctor’s Questions About Your Egg Allergy Symptoms

The doctor will have a few questions about your reaction in order to assist you in determining if you have an egg allergy or other type of allergy.  Below are a few things your doctor may need to know. Have you ever had a reaction before When was your first reaction?...