No Egg Please School Lunch Ideas

Don’t rely on the school for an egg-free lunch.  Let your child help make the lunch so they will be excited about eating it and not accept food from another child. Croissants typically do not have egg in them.  Store bought croissants can have a glossy top.  That...

Sports Bar Meals and Egg Allergy Life can Work

Eating at a sports bar requires a chef willing to work with you.  They may have to cook something that’s not on the menu. Without that, you’re just having drinks with friends.  Remember most of the items will have eggs in them including any dressings that are...

Hosting Tips for Allergy Safe Parties

Success requires planning, food safety, and reasonable care for the guests.  A great hostess will have a check list and guest allergy list to follow up and make the necessary decisions for a successful party.   Allergy Safe Party Planning and Tips Make a list of...

Eating Out – No Egg

  Going to a party or restaurant with an egg allergy Let the host/hostess know if you have an egg allergy or any other allergy.  It’s okay to ask questions about the food.  This is not an embarrassment.  Here are a few suggestions for researching a...