About Me

Growing up, I was not always allergic to eggs.  That came when I was older.  That being said, I know what a good egg sandwich, fresh omelet, pancakes, and a great cheesecake tastes like.  I miss them!  Now I am on a quest to make delicious foods with substitutions and help others to find answers to their allergy questions, so they don’t make some of my same mistakes.

How did this begin for me?  It started out that I would have mucous drainage in the back of my throat sometimes.  I thought it was normal allergies.  Overtime it got worse by having a full or swollen feeling in my throat and a difficult time breathing along with swelling of my face, lips and tongue, discoloration of the fingertips and numbness in my toes.  Even a few times going into Anaphylactic shock and having to go to the ER.  That is pretty scary!  One tip:  having a good doctor that is concerned about your allergies is a must. 

 The science on why I became allergic to eggs is anyone’s best guess.  Just know for me it can be fatal.  An epi-pen is a necessity in my life.  Eggs are the enemy! Realization set in after getting a Tetanus shot which gave me an allergic reaction, my doctor informed me that you are only supposed to get them once every 10 years.   I was getting a tetanus shot once every 5 years for about 20 years. That was a turning point for me!  Leading a life to get this under control so I can enjoy life is a goal I will continue to refine and perfect.  I am writing this blog to help me have a place for all my answers and experiences. If it helps others who suffer from an egg allergy find some of their answers, then maybe it will make their life less stressful too.  




Thank you, God, for these vittles!  Please don’t let them go to our middles. Amen!!!!!

I Wish You Good Health!

The recipes on this site are recipes from family and friends.  Some of them, had to be changed because of food allergies affecting our lifes.  My hope is that these recipes can add flavor and good times for you and your family!  If you like a particular one drop me a note at the contact center to let me know.


Coming Soon!  Thank you for dropping by.

I am currently working on an article about the Hidden Egg where I am looking into the preservatives and emulsifiers, and thickening agents on labels to find out if they are processed with eggs or what they are made from.  I published the article today in order to get it out to the site.  it is called “The Secrets of Hidden Eggs”,  As I continue to research more additives I will add more to the article.   So check back again..

Our Achievements

By the grace of GOD, Not dead yet! So we are on the right track.

Number Days No Anaphylactic Shock


Recipes Published


Why Us?


Something New Now and Again

This blog will be updated regularly to add new information and recipes.  Feel free to drop in and check it out often.

Exceptional Food

We only know that the best education is cooking experience you get in the kitchen.  The best food comes from freshness of the food, and great spices with no preservatives or food additives whenever possible. Highly responsife chefs are mindful of family and guests with food allergies!  The highest praise is the enjoyment at the table and recipes shared.


Easy Recipe Directions

These recipes here won’t have a long story to go along with it.  But they have been tried by many of our friends, families and coworkers.   We are trying to keep the Directions as clear and concise as possible.  If you need clarification please go to the Contact Center and send us your inquiry.


Beneficial Allergy Information

Gaining the knowledge quickly and understandably is necessary for people with any kind of allergy.  Our goal is to try to find the answers, to share in this site, to help you gain the knowledge you need to lead a better egg allergy free life.  In so doing, we may on occacion answer other questions about allergies in general. If you have a question that has not been answered please go to our Contact Center and submit your question to us.  We will get back to you as soon as we can find out. We will publish our findings in articles under the tabs:  FAQ, and Eating Out.


24/7 Support Availability

Well, we do have to sleep sometime, but if you have a question, we will get back to you soon…

Positive Influencers


CEO eggallergylife.com


Sous Chef and Proof Editor

In Memory of Mom and Dad

Mom made the Greatest Chocolate Pies Ever. Dad made the Greatest Pancakes ever.